What's Fierce: Ladies Night like? Exciting, thrilling and fun! Footage from Ladies Night 5. Buy your tickets today! All levels are invited!Sat. 7/21, 5:30pm at Maxwell's Boxing $15 Pre-Sale$20 At the DoorTo purchase tickets…BoxingLadiesNight.bpt.MEAnd… we are super excited to have Becca's Treats, BeautyCounter, Tip Toes Massage, Color Street and Grandma's Lumpia in the house! They will be showcasing their products. Come out and support them!#boxing #sandiegoboxing #gyms #sdgyms #fitness #sdfitness #sandiegofitness #cardio #fight #sdboxing #music #hiphop #djs #sandeigoevents #sdevents #women #girlpower #sandiego #miramar #miramesa #ladiesnight #fierce8 #maxwellsboxing

What's Fierce: Ladies Night like? Exciting, thrilling and fun! Footage from Ladies Night 5.  Buy your tickets today! All levels are invited!Sat. 7/21, 5:30pm at Maxwell's Boxing $15 Pre-Sale$20 At the DoorTo purchase tickets...BoxingLadiesNight.bpt.MEAnd... we are super excited to have Becca's Treats, BeautyCounter, Tip Toes Massage, Color Street and Grandma's Lumpia in the house! They will be showcasing their products. Come out and support them!#boxing #sandiegoboxing #gyms #sdgyms #fitness #sdfitness #sandiegofitness #cardio #fight #sdboxing #music #hiphop #djs #sandeigoevents #sdevents #women #girlpower #sandiego #miramar #miramesa #ladiesnight #fierce8 #maxwellsboxing

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