We welcome Roland Bondoc, a Mira Mesa High School Alumni and current Los Angeles based comic, back home performing with the Lords of Joketown! He'll be showcased with hilariously funny comics this Saturday at Maxwell's Boxing! Buy your tickets soon! https://lordsofjoketownsandiego.brownpapertickets.com/#comedy #standupcomedy #comics #sandiegocomedy #sandiegoevents #sandiego #sdshows #maxwellsboxing #lordsofjoketown

We welcome Roland Bondoc, a Mira Mesa High School Alumni and current Los Angeles based comic, back home performing with the Lords of Joketown!  He'll be showcased with hilariously funny comics this Saturday at Maxwell's Boxing!  Buy your tickets soon! https://lordsofjoketownsandiego.brownpapertickets.com/#comedy #standupcomedy #comics #sandiegocomedy #sandiegoevents #sandiego #sdshows #maxwellsboxing #lordsofjoketown

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