My sister brought this event to my attention, one of many creative ideas she has! Of course, we wanted to support this BIG-TIME! I'm excited to have this event, Hip Hop Heavyweights, at our gym! It's the first of many awesome programs! A lot of our members tied to the gym grew up in the hip hop scene, musicians, the dj crews, the bboy/dance crews and the flyer creators/graffiti makers to name a few. This culture was part of our world – something that brought positivity to our lives! To share this event with people, the new generation and like-minded individuals is super cool! Come support our local artists through their hip-hop inspired work (open mic + art show), it's a FREE event!Ad Credit: @shayesg007#music #sandiegomusic #artists #sdartists #hiphop #sdhiphop #hiphopart #djs #sandiego #miramar #miramesa #sandiegoboxing #Maxwellsboxing #thelovemovement #hiphopheavyweights #God