Experience the classic sport of pure boxing! We coach all levels, youths and adults! Our rates are low, for youths $60/mo unlimited training and for adults $70/mo unlimited training. No long-term contracts, initiation or hidden fees. We're a young gym, family owned, true grassroots and we're proud of our positive culture! We're USA Boxing certified. Try a free class today, to set an appointment you may call/text us at 858-761-8006 or email us at info@maxwellsboxing.com #boxing #sandiegoboxing #sdgyms #gyms #sandiegoyouthboxing #sdyouths #sdtraining #sdhealth #sandiego #miramar #miramesa #PQ #scrippsranch #Delmar #Poway #lajolla #maxwellsboxing #gratitude

Experience the classic sport of pure boxing!  We coach all levels, youths and adults!  Our rates are low, for youths $60/mo unlimited training and for adults $70/mo unlimited training. No long-term contracts, initiation or hidden fees.  We're a young gym, family owned, true grassroots and we're proud of our positive culture!  We're USA Boxing certified.  Try a free class today, to set an appointment you may call/text us at 858-761-8006 or email us at info@maxwellsboxing.com #boxing #sandiegoboxing #sdgyms #gyms #sandiegoyouthboxing #sdyouths #sdtraining #sdhealth #sandiego #miramar #miramesa #PQ #scrippsranch #Delmar #Poway #lajolla #maxwellsboxing #gratitude

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