Dear Referee,I know you're not Carlos Padilla but I believe that you can learn from your mistakes and improve from them, you actually might become a great referee one day. Last night you made a mistake by giving an 8-count that was not warranted. What is an 8-Count in boxing? I will remind you. It's a protection count, a judgment call during a bout. When you believe the boxer is hurt, that's when the action stops and you count to eight. I'm not sure if you had the jitters last night, or if you were on edge from the binging of Walking Dead Seasons 1 through 9. You were simply to fast to react as our fighter kept pressing and effectively attacking, he was nowhere near hurt. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I assure you I'm honest with my fighters if they won or truly were defeated – I have too much integrity to compromise their mindset and beliefs. Yes, we got the loss but it's a shame you made a horrible call, a terrible mistake. Moving forward, I hope you continue to learn from your craft, progress and be more mindful on how you control the fight. It'll lead to a good experience for both fighters in the ring. #boxing #fights #referees #boxingref #badcall #adversity #progress #God